Sunday, April 25, 2010
Kenapa Yahudi Taksub
Beginilah ...apa saja kita kutuk ummat Yahudi zaman moden ini tidak menjadi hal bagi mereka. Kalau kita mendengar ada pihak Amerika sendiri mengutuk Yahudi atau Israel , itu semua adalah satu tindakan hipokerasi (kepura-puraan). Ini kerana pihak Barat , khususnnya negara-negara Kristian WAJIB mempertahankan wujudnya negara Israel sampai kiamat.
Walau betapa kejam Yahudi buat terhadap orang-orang Palestin , ini tidak menjadi hal bagi mereka samada betul atau salah tindakan kejam mereka itu kerana bagi ummat Yahudi mereka percaya Tuhan menyebelahi pihak Yahudi dan mereka percaya kepada janji-janji yang termaktub dalam Hebrew Bible mereka bahawa bumi Arab dari sungai Nil ke Euphrates adalah milik Yahudi dan mereka boleh ambil tanah-tanah Arab secara paksa.
Kita boleh melihat dalam Hebrew Bible mereka dari awal bab Genesis hingga bab Malachi ...mengandungi pesanan-pesanan simbolik yang ummat Yahudi akan menguasai dunia dan semua ummat manusia lain selain ummat Yahudi akan menjadi hamba dan tunduk kepada Yahudi akhirnya. Mereka percaya Tuhan akan tetap menolong Yahudi. Di mana saja dalam dunia BOLEH menjadi milik Yahudi berdasarkan ajaran dalam kitab suci mereka. Contohnya ....
If the nations accuse Israel of banditry for seizing the lands of the seven nations of Canaan , Israel can respond , " The entire universe belongs to God. He created it and He granted to whomever He deemed fit. It was His desire to give it to them and then it was His desire to take it from them and GIVE IT TO US " [The Chumash (Stone Edition) : Parashas Bereishis : Note #1]
Ummat Yahudi percaya hanya bangsa Yahudi sahaja yang layak menjaga ugama Tuhan yang MahaSuci. Bangsa-bangsa lain adalah ibarat kotor dan sesat dan tidak diberi amanah oleh Tuhan menjaga ugama sebenarnya ...yaitu ugama Yahudi. Mereka percaya Tuhan memberi petunjuk HANYA kepada bangsa Yahudi. Ini termaktub dalam kitab suci Hebrew Bible mereka yang mana terdapat satu perkataan misteri dalam bahasa Hebrew berbentuk YHVH atau dalam istilah teologi disebut tetragrammaton (4-huruf).
Dalam kata-kata simbolik dalam kitab mereka .....” I am Who I am “ .......[Genesis 3:14 NIV]
YHVH adalah perkataan nama Tuhan yang tidak diketahui cara menyebutnya. Ada yang agak berbunyi Yahweh , ada pula yang menyebut Jehovah dan it tetap menjadi satu misteri. Inilah hujjah kenapa bangsa Yahudi begitu taksub bahawa Tuhan telah amanahkan HANYA kepada mereka menjaga ugama suciNya yang benar. Barangsiapa mendakwa dia tahu nama Tuhan , maka mereka mengira orang itu berbohong. Inilah satu rahsia antara Tuhan dan Yahudi bahawa Tuhan akan tetap menjaga dan melindungi bangsa mereka sampai kiamat. Semua ugama-ugama lain dalam dunia ini adalah palsu.
Itu tersebut dalam kitab-kitab suci mereka. Apa sahaja Yahudi buat terhadap bangsa lain adalah tidak dikira berdosa bagi ugama mereka. Sekiranya mereka mahu menghancur seluruh Malaysia kerana kita anti Yahudi , mereka boleh berbuat demikian kerana kita dianggap sebagai MUSUH TUHAN dan kita tidak layak hidup di muka bumi ini.
Untuk memahami aspirasi Yahudi , hendaklah kita baca kitab suci Hebrew Bible mereka , barulah kita boleh faham kenapa Yahudi tidak gerun kepada bangsa-bangsa lain. Mereka percaya Tuhan akan sentiasa menolong mereka , apa sekali mereka buat ..termasuk membunuh semua bangsa Palestin dan mengambil tanah-tanah orang Arab yang mereka kira adalah milik hak mutlak Yahudi seperti tersebut dalam kitab suci mereka :
I give unto them the land where they have sown their seeds, from the river of Egypt unto the great river of Euphrates’ (Genesis 15:18)
Sekiranya Yahudi mahu menghancurkan kita semua ...mereka boleh berbuat begitu kerana ITU ADALAH SALAH SATU AJARAN KITAB SUCI mereka. Memusnahkan bangsa bukan Yahudi yang memusuhi bangsa Yahudi adalah HALAL bagi mereka Ini kerana mereka percaya bangsa Yahudi adalah bangsa pilihan Tuhan. Sila baca apa kata Hebrew Bible mereka :
He (God) has declared that He will set you in praise, fame or honor or HIGH ABOVE ALL NATIONS he has made and that you will be a people holy to the Lord your God , as HE HAS PROMISED [Deuteronomy 26:19 NIV]
The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven directions [Deuteronomy 27:7 NIV] the cities of the nations the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance , do not leave alive anything that breathes ..COMPLETELY DESTROY THEM ....[Deutronomy 20:16 NIV]
Jika ada pihak berkata kenapa ummat Arab yang berlipat kali ganda lebih besar tidak menghancurkan Israel ? ....maka dengan sendirinya dunia Barat dan Amerika akan bermati-matian mempertahankan Israel. Ini kerana sekiranya negara Israel itu hilang dari peta muka bumi , maka dengan sendirinya segala "prophecies" dalam Bible Kristian dan Yahudi akan terbukti salah dan mereka terpaksa membuang kitab suci mereka. Israel yang wujud pada hari adalah mengikut ajaran Kristian dan Yahudi and mereka WAJIB menentang mana-mana pihak yang mahu menghancurkan Israel.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Misai Kucing (4)
Misai Kucing (Orthosiphon stamineus) Nowadays, the consumption of herbal based products are getting a wide spread acceptance among consumers because of the numerous beneficial therapeutic impacts they could give to our body and indirectly helps us sustaining a healthy condition. Although artificial and synthetic drugs are common in the market to combat a lot of chronic diseases, but these medications usually have negative effects to our body. Therefore, products from herbs, especially the Misai Kucing (Orthosiphon stamineus) are the right choice in treating certain kinds of ailments or diseases without introducing side effects to our body if consumed accordingly based on scientific findings and research. This is where our herbal products comes in which are confidently introduced to the public and backed by scientific research and findings from local and overseas scientist to prevent, reduce or to the extent in aiding the cure of certain types of chronic diseases or ailments. According to Anon (2001), the scientific term of Orthosiphon stamineus have other syn Based on Hegnauer (1966) and Wangner (1982), the tea prepared from the leaves is used in beverages in Malaysia to improve health and for the treatment of kidney, bladder inflammation, gout and diabetes. Most land plants contain a chemical compound known as phenolics which are a class of low molecular weight secondary metabolites. Most of the protective effects of flavonoids (a class of phenolic compound) in land plants in biological systems is ascribed to their antioxidant abilities, capacity to transfer electrons, free radicals and chelating abilities (Hirano et al., 2001), activate antioxidant enzymes, reduce alpha-tocopherol radicals and inhibit oxidases (Elliott et al., 1992). According to Tezuka et al. (2000), this herb contains several active chemical compounds such as terpenoids (diterpenes and triterpenes), polyphenol (lipophilic flavonoids and phenolic acids) and sterols. The antioxidant capabilities of the phenolic compounds are important for the human body to destroy the free radicals that exists in our body. The existence of free radicals in a large quantity in our body could have the ability to destroy the structure and the inner part of our living cells, including genetic compounds (DNA) that could lead to cancer. Besides that, free radicals could also weaken the artery walls that will allow fat deposits to occur and leading to heart disease. In fact, the dried leaves and stem tips of Misai Kucing contains up to 12% minerals, inositol, phytosterols, saponins and up to 0.7% essential oils (Anon, 2001). The therapeutic effects of Orthosiphon stamineus have been ascribed mainly to its polyphenol, the most dominant constituent in the leaf which has been reported by Hollman & Katan (1999) to be effective in reducing oxidative stress by inhibiting the formation of lipid peroxidation products in biological systems which could lead to some of the chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease and many more. This is proved by the research of Chung et al. (1999) and Venkatamuru et al. (1983) which among the different parts of plants studied, the leaves are reported to have the highest antioxidant properties whereby the phenolic fraction is the most active principle among the phytochemicals studied (Nakasugi & Komai (1998); Jung et al. (1999) & Pietta et al. (1998)). That’s why the leaves of this herb is often used in traditional medicine and also in our product (Reeleaf tea and MissKuu tablets) compared to other parts of the plant because it contains much more active chemical components which contributes to the therapeutic benefits.
Java tea has also been demonstrated to exhibit antimicrobial properties (Anon, 2001). Aqueous extracts of this herb had markedly inhibited the growth of both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria during in vitro tests. It is concluded that saponins may play a part in bacteriostatic activity of this herb. Besides that, caffeic acid derivatives (which represent as much as 95% of the phenolic substances present in a hot water extract) may also be responsible for the antibiotic activity. Therefore, by consuming this herb in the form of hot water extract (tea drinking) or tablets and capsules which contain the same amount of active ingredients may be beneficial for the elimination of various kinds of pathogenic and harmful micro-organisms. Orthosiphon stamineus is widely used in Malaysia as a traditional remedy for various ailments and diseases such as kidney stones, high blood pressure, diabetes, rheumatism, arthritis, gout and possibly other ailments as well. Besides of aiding in the cure of various types of illnesses, the extract of this herb if consumed can also increase the body’s metabolism which translate into more calories burned and triggers the body to sweat more. The mode of action of the Misai Kucing extracts in reducing or to the extent of helping to cure the diseases mentioned are described as follows: 1). Kidney Stones Kidney stones are referred to the crystals of minerals that are produced and somehow stored and stucked in the kidneys. Because of this, the people who suffer from this condition will feel pain and discomfort, especially in the area surrounding the kidneys. The lack of consuming water is one of the factors that may contribute in the forming of kidney stones. When water is consumed less, the output of urine will tend to become more concentrate than usual and this situation will make the formation of kidney stones more possible to develop and the risk of getting it is increased if a person doesn’t urinate often. Based on Anon (2002) from the research by Dr. Sahabudin Raja Mohamed, senior consultant urologist at Hospital Kuala Lumpur, O stamineus extract inhibits calcium oxalate crystal aggregation by reducing crystal size and altering its surface. Crystal growth is inhibited by the reduction in retention time through diuresis with increasing potassium excretion. In addition, spontaneous voiding of stones less than five millimeters is also induced. The extract also reduces uric acid level by blocking its production. About 50% to 60% of kidney stones are calcium oxalate stones while 20% to 30% are uric acid stones. The inhibition of kidney stones is also made possible by the Misai Kucing extract due to the abundant levels of minerals and flavonoids in it. The minerals will form crystals of oxalate, uric or phosphate salts while the flavonoids acts as a chemical inhibitor to prevent the growth and aggregation of the crystals. Therefore, the existence of a promoter (minerals) as a former of the oxalate salt nuclei and the inhibitor (flavonoids) is very important and needed to control the growth of the referred salt crystals. Besides that, the diuretic effect of the extract of Misai Kucing also helps to prevent kidney stone development due to the increase in urine flow which makes static urine confinement in the kidneys and urine bladder lessen to occur which have been proven by Beaux et al. (1998) through rat study. The diuretic effect could be partially due to the high content of potassium (kalium) in the leaves and the presence of inositol (and possibly saponins), as well as to the isolated flavones sinensetin and 3’-hydroxy-5,6,7,4’-tetramethoxyflavone which exhibited a diuretic activity in rats after intravenous administration of 10mg / kg body weight of Misai Kucing extract (Anon, 2001). From the research mentioned, it is convincing that the extract from Misai Kucing does help inhibiting the development of kidney stones. Although the extract has a diuretic effect by nature, the potassium (kalium) level in the body will not decrease down to a depleting level because of the high concentration of this mineral in Misai Kucing, that is around 600 – 700mg per 100g of fresh leaves (Anon, 2001). 2). High Blood Pressure Blood pressure is defined as the force the blood exerts on arteries and veins as it circulates through the body. Blood pressure is measured as two numbers. Systolic pressure (the top number in a reading) denotes when the heart contracts and forces blood through the arteries while diastolic pressure (the bottom number) reflects when the heart relaxes. Normal blood pressure is 120 (systolic) over 80 (diastolic) or lower. High blood pressure is also synonym or most commonly known as hypertension. It is characterized by a systolic and diastolic reading of 140 over 90 or higher respectively in at least three separate measurements. The extracts of Misai Kucing is very well known for its ability to lower down blood pressure in hypertensive patients and it has been practiced for generations by traditional medicine practitioners. According to a research by Ohashi et al. (2000), from the water decoction of leaves of Kumis Kucing that was partitioned into a mixture of chloroform and water, it was found that the chloroform-soluble portion showed an inhibitory effect on the contractile responses on rat thoracic aorta smooth muscle stimulated with potassium chloride (KCl) beforehand. The chloroform-soluble portion produce 13 chemical compounds and among these compounds, it was found that a major constituent in the water decoction of leaves, methylripariochromene A (5), exhibited a continuous decrease in systolic blood pressure after subcutaneous administration in conscious stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). This proves that the extract of Orthosiphon stamineus or in this research the synonym of it, that is the Orthosiphon aristatus can aid in reducing the blood pressure of rats in this case and certainly can be applied in humans as well. The factor that might possibly reduce the blood pressure in hypertensive patients is from the antioxidant ability of the Misai Kucing extract. Through the research from Lopes et al. (2002), they found that the high antioxidant diet lowered blood pressure in obese hypertensive but not in lean normotensive respondents (humans). The increase of Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) of plasma in obese hypertensives during the High Antioxidant (HAO) diet correlated with the decline in blood pressure. Changes of dietary cations measured in the urine did not change significantly in respondents with risk factor cluster (OHT). These findings raise the possibility that the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet reduces blood pressure in high-risk subjects in significant part through an antioxidant action. According to Akowuah et al. (2005), from the results obtained through the research, they found that the extracts of Orthosiphon stamineus are free radical inhibitors and primary antioxidants that react with free radicals and probably due to the higher concentration of caffeic acid derivatives, especially rosmarinic acid (RA). According to the research of Beaux et al. (1998), by feeding rats with the extract of Orthosiphon stamineus and Sambucus nigra, they found that the urinary excretion of sodium (natrium / Na) was increased. As we know, hypertension is related to the high intake of salt (natrium chloride / NaCl). Therefore, by excreting excess sodium through the urine will definitely reduce the blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Therefore, the extract of Misai Kucing is a very good herb for the treatment of hypertension based on the research mentioned. From the research of Lopes et al. (2002), we can say that the lowering ability of the blood pressure from the extract is not attributed by its diuretic ability but mainly from its antioxidant content. This herb is rich in polyphenols which are a great source of antioxidants. 3). Diabetes A person with diabetes doesn’t produce enough of the hormone insulin or is unable to use it effectively, which causes high blood sugar (glucose) levels. Over time, this imbalance can lead to heart disease, nerve damage, kidney disease, vision loss and various other complications. There are two types of diabetes. Less common is insulin-dependent diabetes (type 1) which usually develops before the age of 30. Non-insulin-dependent diabetes (type 2) accounts for 90% of cases which it usually appears after the age of 40. Based on a local research done by Mariam et al. (1996) from Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, they found that significant hypoglycaemic effect was observed in normal rats treated orally with 1.0g / kg of body weight of the Orthosiphon stamineus extract. An addition to that, the hyperglycaemic effect induced by streptozotocin was also inhibited by the same dose of the same extract. From the results obtained from this research, it can be concluded that the aqueous extract of local Misai Kucing possessed some hypoglycaemic activities in both normal and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats in lowering the blood sugar level. Further studies are needed to identify the active principles responsible for this activity and evaluate its mechanism of action. From a couple of testimonials obtained from local people who consume this herb in the form of tea drinking or tablets said that they are prone to sweat more because of the heat generated inside the body. Some of them even had loss weight through consumption of this herb. Somehow there’s a chemical compound in the extract which increases the body’s metabolism and uses the glucose in the body to generate energy which indirectly will help diabetic patients. Therefore, this herb is potential in lowering blood glucose level in diabetic patients. 4). Rheumatoid Arthritis Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disorder in which the cartilage and tissues in and around the joints become inflamed and damaged. Scar tissue replaces the damaged tissue, narrowing the spaces in the joints and limiting movement. Some people experience only mild joint stiffness, punctuated by periodic inflammatory flare-ups. In others, however, symptoms are persistent and worsen over time, causing deformities of the hands and feet. In very severe cases, rheumatoid arthritis can also affect the heart, lungs, muscles and skin. The extract of Misai Kucing is rich in polyphenolic compounds (flavonoids) which are also high in antioxidant activities. Among the functions of antioxidants is to protect cells in the body from damages due to free radicals and also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. According to Hegnauer (1966) and Wangner (1982), the leaves of Misai Kucing are used to prepare a diuretic tea, which has been reported to be active against kidney and bladder inflammation. The extract helps in reducing the inflammation surrounding the joints and because of the powerful antioxidant properties exhibited by the extract as proven by the research of Akowuah et al. (2005) which is comparable with Quercetin (a powerful antioxidant most commonly found in onions and grapes) and more powerful than BHA (butylated hydroxy-anisole, which is a synthetic antioxidant), the antioxidant components in the extract work to protect cells, including those in the joints, from damage. Because of the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties exhibited by the extract of Misai Kucing, it certainly can reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in a natural way without using synthetic drugs and medications. 5). Gout Gout is a metabolic disorder linked to high levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid, a by-product of various body processes, is also formed after eating certain foods. The body rids itself of uric acid through the urine. But some people produce too much uric acid – or can’t dispose of it fast enough – and levels build up. Often, the excess uric acid is converted into needle-shaped crystals that settle in and around joints and other tissues, triggering inflammation and the excruciating pain associated with gout. Based on Anon (2002), according Dr. Sahabudin Raja Mohamed, senior consultant urologist at Hospital Kuala Lumpur, the extract of Orthosiphon stamineus also reduces uric acid level by blocking its production. Besides blocking the production of uric acid, the main cause of gout, Misai Kucing extract contains a high level of antioxidants which will inhibit the inflammatory of the joints associated with gout. Thus, the extract will reduce the pain surrounding the joints involved. In fact, the extract exhibit diuretic ability which will flush out excessive uric acid in our body to prevent them from accumulating in the joints to form harmful crystals. Overall, this type of herb (Orthosiphon stamineus) or well known as Misai Kucing in Malaysia is already been used for generations for healthy living and also in aiding the cure of certain types of illnesses and ailments as mentioned. In terms of its safety, so far there are no bad side effects regarding the consumption of this herb if taken accordingly. This is proven by Dr. Sahabudin himself where toxicology studies in the Institute for Medical Research (IMR), Ministry of Health (MOH), Malaysia have confirmed the extract is safe. The O. stamenius extracts had non-injurious effects on rats that were fed up to five grams (Anon, 2002). Taking natural herbs as supplements is a good thing to do and practice as they contain a lot of beneficial natural chemical compounds, where mostly are regarded as antioxidants. Due to some safety concerns in synthetic antioxidants, a good deal of attention has been focused on the anti-oxidative compounds present in plant-derived foods (Imaida et al., 1983). Consuming as much antioxidants as possible is important because Niwa (1997) suggested that oxygen radicals cause 90 per cent of illnesses and diseases which antioxidants can fight against. References Akowuah, G.A., Ismail, Z., Norhayati, I. & Sadikun, A. 2005. The effects of different extraction solvents of varying polarities on polyphenols of Orthosiphon stamineus and evaluation of the free radical-scavenging activity. Food Chemistry. 93:311-317. Akowuah, G.A., Zhari, I., Norhayati, I., Sadikun, A. & Khamsah, S.M. 2004. Sinensetin, eupatorin, 3’-hydroxy-5,6,7,4’-tetramethoxyflavone and rosmarinic acid contents and antioxidative effect of Orthosiphon stamineus from Malaysia. Food Chemistry. 87:559-566. Anon. 2001. Orthosiphon. Medicinal and Poisonous Plants. pp. 368-371. Leiden: Buckhuys Publication. Anon. 2002. Urology use for Misai Kuching. Medical Tribune. MediMedia Asia. Beaux, D., Fleurentin, J. & Mortier, F. 1998. Effects of extracts of Orthosiphon stamineus benth, Hieracium pilosella I., Sambucus nigra I. and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (I.) spreng. in rats. Phytotherapy Research. 12(7):498-501. Chung, H.S., Chang, L.C., Lee, S.K., Shamon, L.A., Van Breemen, R.B., Metha, R.G., Farnsworth, N.R., Pezzuto, J.M. & Douglas, K.A. 1999. Flavonoids constituents of Chorizanthe difussa with potential cancer chemopreventive activity. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry. 47:36-41.Elliot, A.J., Scheiber, S.A., Thomas, C. & Pardini, R.S. 1992. Inhibition of gluthione reductase by flavonoids. Biochemical Pharmacology. 44:1603-1608. Hegnauer, R. 1966. Chemotaxonomic der planzen (Vol. 4). pp. 314-316. Stuggart: Birkhäuser Verlag. Hirano, I., Sasamoto, W., Matsumoto, A., Itakura, H., Igrashi, O. & Kondo, K. 2001. Antioxidant ability of various flavonoids against DPPH radicals and LDL oxidation. Journal of Nutritional Science Vitaminol (Tokyo). 47:357-362. Hollman, P.C. & Katan, M.B. 1999. Dietary flavonoids; intake, health effects and bioavailability. Food Chemistry Toxicology. 37:937-942. Imaida, K., Fukushima, S., Shirai, T., Ohtani, M., Nakanish, K. & Ito, N. 1983. Promoting activities of butylated hydroxytoluene on 2-stage urinary bladder carcinogenesis and inhibition of glutamyl transpeptidase-positive foci development in the liver of rats. Carcinogenesis. 4:895-899. Jung, M.Y., Kim, J.P. & Kim, S.Y. 1999. Methanolic extract of Coptis japonica makino reduces photosensitized oxidation of oils. Food Chemistry. 67:261-268. Lopes, H.F., Walle, T., Nashar, K. & Egan, B.M. 2002. Total antioxidant capacity, an important factor affecting blood pressure responses to diet?. American Journal of Hypertension. 15(4):A119. Mariam, A., Asmawi, M.Z. & Sadikun, A. 1996. Hypoglycaemic activity of the aqueous extract of Orthosiphon stamineus. Fitoterapia. LXVII(5):465-468. Nakasugi, T. & Komai, K. 1998. Antimutagens in the Brazilian folk medicinal plant Carqueja (Baccharis trimera Less). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 46:2560-2564. Niwa, Y. 1997. A Ray of Hope for Sufferers of Intractable Disease: The Amazing Effects of Out Developed Natural Antioxidants. Personalcare Co. Ltd., Japan. Ohashi, K., Bohgaki, T. & Shibuya, H. 2000. Antihypertensive substance in the leaves of kumis kucing (Orthosiphon aristatus) in Java Island. Yakugaku Zasshi. 120(5):474-482. Pietta, P., Simonetti, P. & Mauri, P. 1998. Antioxidant activity of selected medicinal plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 46:4487-4490. Sumaryono, W., Proksc, P., Wray, V., Witte, L. & Hartmann, T. 1991. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the phenolic constituents from Orthosiphon aristatus. Planta Medica. 57:176-180 Tezuka, Y., Stampoulis, P., Banskota, A.J., Awale, S., Kadota, S. & Saiki, I. 2000. Constituents of the Vietnamese medicinal plant Orthosiphon stamineus. Chemical Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 48:1711-1719. Venkatamuru, K., Patel, J.D. & Rao, S. 1983. Fractionation of wood phenolics and their use in brandy. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 20:16-18. Wangner, H. 1982. Parmazietische biologie: drogen und ihre Inhalatsstoffe (second ed.). pp. 45-90. Stuggart: Gustav Fischer Verlag. | |||||
Misai Kucing (3)
I first came across the benefits of Misai Kucing at an exhibition put up by a College of Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCM]. Having noticed the plant growing in parks and home gardens, I asked one of the staff its medicinal uses.
“This plant can clean your kidney and bladder,” replied the staff, “for centuries people took it to remove kidney stones.”
My father suffered from gout and kidney stones. Therefore, I decided to buy a potted plant.
“how do I take this herb?” I inquired.
“Just add boiling water to the leaves,” replied the man, “in the West they call the drink ‘Java tea’. ”
Researchers became interested in Misai Kucing at the beginning of the twentieth century when it was introduced into Europe as an herbal tea. The tea was used as a blood purifier.
Pharmaceutical research on Misai Kucing had begun since 1970’s in Germany and USA on essential oil of Orthosiphon stamineus [Misai Kucing] as well as Active Chemicals in the plant and their benefits for health.
In Malaysia, research institutes such as the Institute of Medical Research and the Kuala Lumpur Hospital of the Malaysian Health Ministry are participating actively in conducting clinical study to verify the efficacy of Misai Kucing in treating kidney stone disease. The School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia contributes to the scientific research and development of Misai Kucing by conducting the extraction, quality control, standardization, pharmacological in addition, formulation research
What is Misai Kucing?
Misai Kucing or Misai Kuching (Orthosiphon Stamineus) is a medicinal herb found mainly throughout South East Asia and tropical Australia. The plant is a herbaceous shrub, with a unique flower. The flowers have fine filaments that resembles cat's whiskers- hence its Malay name, Misai Kuching [Cat’s whiskers]. Its other names are Kumis Kucing and Java Tea.
In the wild, the plant can be seen growing at fringes of the jungle, in wastelands and along roadsides. It can grow to a height of 1.5 meters.
What is it used for?
Misai Kucing had been used for centuries in Malaysia and Indonesia for treating ailments of the kidney and bladder stone. it has a combination of properties that makes it effective for treating these conditions.
It has a long history of use as a safe and effective herbal diuretic, so it is very useful for flushing the kidneys and urinary tract. It also relieves spasms of the smooth muscle in the walls of the internal organs, making it valuable for gallbladder problems.
If you have urinary tract infections [whether due to fungal or bacterial causes], drink Misai Kucing [Java] tea to treat the condition.
Rheumatism and gout are the bane of many elderly in this modern age due to increased meat/protein consumption and a sedentary life. These conditions involve a build-up of acid and metabolic wastes within the muscles and joints. This leads to reduced circulation around joint which results in painful swelling in addition, in time may lead to joint destruction.
Remedy for blood vessels and circulatory problems
Misai Kucing can reduce swelling. Research showed that it has anti-inflammatory agents that are not steroids. It is also believed to enhance the functioning of the immune system and reproductive system.
All of the above properties make Misai Kucing suitable for treatment of chronic arthritic conditions and certain soft tissue disorders associated with pain and inflammation.
Mr. Tan was introduced to the benefits of drinking Java tea by friends after he developed diabetes. Initially he was skeptical. According to Mr. Tan, he noticed his blood sugar level dropped after consuming the tea for several weeks. He said, "I'm not claiming that the tea can cure diabetes. This is nonsense. The message I'm trying to deliver is that, from my personal experience, Misai Kucing does clean our body of toxins and help stabilize a diabetic's sugar levels.”
The herb inhibits blood platelet from sticking together. It is also used to reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
A study by Fukuyama University in Japan showed that extracts of Misai Kucing given to lab rats can lower blood pressure. It also has active substances that can reduce and prevent heart diseases and disorders.
Misai Kucing has powerful hemolytics. When injected into the blood stream, it is able to dissolve red blood cells at even extreme dilutions.
Can protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals; provide a source of vitamin A,
in addition to the above properties, Misai Kucing also has other capabilities that require further research and clinical trials:
- Prevents or reduces cancer [when cancerous lab rats were treated with Misai Kucing, it was found that it slowed tumor development both in early and late stages of growth with no apparent side effects. ]
- Involved with growth & tissue repair.
- Anti-HIV and anti-malarial
- Antistress
- Antiulcer
- Anti-acne
Misai Kucing (2)
Misai Kucing juice cures all ills
THERE are many local herbs which are of great medicinal value to us but many of us do not know most of them. I am writing this to share my experience in using the wonderful herb called Misai Kucing.
I have read in the newspapers that Misai Kucing is used for treating arthritis, gout and rheumatism. It is a flowering plant with white, whisker-like flowers, hence the name.
In 1999, my left breast was removed. My left hand could not even touch my right shoulder. My left shoulder blade was in great pain especially at night. I did not want to take pain killers.
I tried drinking the juice of the Misai Kucing instead. After taking the juice twice, my left hand could touch my right shoulder and after drinking the juice four times, the shoulder pain stopped. After that I took the juice about once a fortnight.
In March 2008, I was away in Johor Baru for more that three months and my left shoulder pain returned. I was given acupuncture treatment and two injections but there was not much relief. When I returned to Ipoh, I took the Misai Kucing juice again. After taking it six times, the pain stopped.
Last week, I was discharged from hospital after surgery to remove my womb. My abdomen was bloated with wind and I was in pain even though I took medication.
I took the Misai Kucing juice again for three days. What a relief! Now I am recuperating and I hope that someone would do more research on the herb.
Y. O. LIM,
Misai Kucing (1)
Amalan Harian Menghindarkan Kencing Manis Misai Kucing ( Orthosiphon Stamineus ) adalah sejenis herba renek yang banyak terdapat di negara-negara Asia Tenggara dan telah lama digunakan dalam perubatan tradisional. Ia telah terkenal sejak turun temurun kerana khasiatnya dapat membuang dan mencuci darah dari toksid yang berlebihan, terutama bagi merawat kencing manis dan menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi. Daunnya dikeringkan dan dijadikan teh telah lama digunakan sebagai minuman sejak dulu lagi. Ianya bersifat diuretik, dapat membantu menyingkirkan asid urik yang berlebihan dalam badan dan melawaskan pembuangan air kecil tetapi tidak mendatangkan masalah pada buah pinggang seperti kebanyakan ubat-ubatan moden. | ||
Selain dari itu ia juga dapat merawat penyakit lain seperti gout, athritis, reumatik dan mencegah pembentukan batu karang. Ia juga digunakan untuk mengurangkan kelesterol dan tekanan darah. Kandungan saponin dan tanin pada daun itu juga boleh mengubati keputihan. Penyelidikkan juga telah mendapati ianya besifat antiseptik.Misai Kucing adalah herba renek yang tumbuh cepat dan ketinggiannya boleh mencapai sehingga 1.5m. Daunnya tersusun dalam pasangan yang bertentangan, licin, berwarna hijau, berbentuk tirus di hujung dan di tepinya berjeriji. Tangkai daun pendek, lebih kurang 0.3cm panjang dan berwarna ungu-kemerahan. Batangnya bersegi empat, tumbuh tegak dan bercabang-cabang.
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Nama Misai Kucing diberi sempena ciri bunganya yang unik, mempunyai filamen yang panjang menyerupai misai kucing. Di Malaysia, dua varieti telah dikenal pasti berdasarkan warna bunga iaitu bunga putih dan bunga ungu. Varieti bunga putih dikenali sebagai MOS1 dan varieti bunga ungu dikenali sebagai MOS2. Terdapat perbezaan dari segi pertumbuhan antara dua varieti ini. Herba Misai Kucing telah digunakan sejak beratus-ratus tahun dahulu oleh pengamal perubatan tradisional untuk merawat penyakit berkaitan pundi kencing (seperti batu karang) dan buah pinggang. Kandungan ortosifonim dan garam kalium (yang terdapat pada daunnya), merupakan komponen utama yang membantu larutnya asid urik, fosfat dan oksalat dalam tubuh manusia, terutama dalam hempedu ataupun ginjal sehingga dapat mencegah terjadinya endapan batu karang. Kandungan saponin dan tanin pada daun juga boleh mengubati penyakit keputihan yang dialami oleh sesetengah wanita. Daun Misai Kucing digunakan bersama daun hempedu bumi untuk melawaskan buang air kecil (bersifat diuretik), rawatan batu ginjal, reumatisme, sakit pinggang, radang ginjal, masuk angin, kencing manis dan demam. Tanaman ini juga boleh digunakan sebagai bahan antialergi. Misai Kucing banyak terdapat di kawasan lapang seperti di tepi jalan dan kawasan tanah terbiar samada kawasan tanah rendah atau tinggi. Selain tumbuh secara liar, Misai Kucing juga ditanam di kawasan rumah sebagai tanaman hiasan kerana bunganya yang menarik. |
Thursday, April 15, 2010
ماليزيا تكرم الشيخ الدكتور وهبة الزحيلي
ماليزيا تكرم الشيخ الدكتور وهبة الزحيلي كأفضل شخصية إسلامية
حصل الفقيه السوري ورئيس قسم الفقه الاسلامي بجامعة دمشق الشيخ الدكتور وهبة الزحيلي على جائزة (افضل شخصية اسلامية) في حفل استقبال السنة الهجرية (مع الهجرة) التي أقامته الحكومة الماليزية يوم 29/12/2008 في مدينة بوتراجايا.
وحضر الحفل السلطان المعتصم بالله الحاج عبدالحليم معظم شاه ورئيس الوزراء الماليزي عبدالله احمد بدوي ووزير الدولة احمد زاهد حميدي وأعضاء البرلمان الماليزي وممثلو السفارات الاجنبية لدى ماليزيا وجمهور غفير من الحضور.
وقال الشيخ الزحيلي إنه يكن كل التقدير والإحترام لدولة ماليزيا في احتضانها لأفكار العلماء المسلمين الماليزيين وغير الماليزيين وتكريمهم في فاتحة كل عام هجري.
وأبدى سعادته الغامرة في تسلمه لجائزة أفضل شخصية إسلامية خدمت الشعب الماليزي في العام المنصرم 1429 من الهجرة النبوية مشيراً إلى أن هذا التكريم دلالة واضحة بأن الماليزيين ينظرون إلى الشخصيات الإسلامية الماليزية وغير الماليزية بنظرة موضوعية من خلال الفهم الحضاري للإسلام.
وقال إن "منهج الإسلام الحضاري الذي تبنته الحكومة الماليزية هو منهج سليم يجمع بين اصول الإيمان الحقيقية والقيم الإنسانية الشريفة ويبشر بالخير ويؤكد مدى حفاظ الدولة على موروثاتها الشرعية" مفيداً بأن دولة ماليزيا سباقة إلى كل ما هو خير للأمة الإسلامية.
وذكر إن الشيخ الزحيلي قدم خدمات جليلة للشعب الماليزي من خلال ترجمة عدد كبير من كتبه الفقهية والإسلامية والقانونية إلى اللغة الملايوية إضافة إلى مساهماته الجليلة بمجلس الإفتاء الماليزي في العديد من القضايا الإسلامية المحلية.
يذكر إن الشيخ الزحيلي يعد ثالث فائز غير ماليزي يحصل على هذه الجائزة المحلية اذ حصل عليها سابقاً المفكر الإسلامي عبدالرؤوف سعيد من جمهورية مصر العربية ووزير الشؤون الإسلامية منور شذلي من دولة اندونيسيا.
ويشغل الدكتور منصب رئيس قسم الفقه الاسلامي بجامعة دمشق ورئيس لجنة الدراسات الشرعية للمؤسسات المالية الاسلامية وعضو مجلس الإفتاء الأعلى في سورية وعضو لجنة البحوث والشؤون الاسلامية وعضو هيئة تحرير مجلة نهج الإسلام بوزارة الأوقاف السورية وعضو في مجمع الفقه الإسلامي بجدة.
ولدى الشيخ مؤلفات عديدة في الفقه وأصوله والقرآن وعلومه والدراسات الإسلامية والسنة النبوية وعلومها والعقيدة الإسلامية ترجم بعضها الى اللغة الملايوية واستفاد منها أرخبيل الملايو المتمثل بماليزيا واندونيسيا وسنغافورة وبروناي وجنوب تايلند وجزء من الفلبين.
كلمة الدكتور الزحيلي في الحفل بالفيديو اضغط هنا
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
سبل الهدى والرشاد في سيرة خير العباد - الصالحي الشامي
ناشر الموضوع : الرازي
اسم الكتاب سبل الهدى والرشاد في سيرة خير العباد - صلى الله عليه وسلم
المؤلف محمد بن يوسف الصالحي الشامي
المحقق مصطفى عبد الواحد - وآخرون
نبذة عن الكتاب يعتبر الكتاب من أكبر وأوسع الكتب في السيرة النبوية ، وتم فهرسة الكتاب إلى أكثر من 5500 عنوان رئيسي وفرعي
حالة الفهرسة فهرسة تامة
غلاف الكتاب
دار النشر المجلس الأعلى للشئون الإسلامية
بلد النشر القاهرة - مصر
رقم الطبعة
سنة الطبع 1418 - 1997
عدد المجلدات 12
عدد الصفحات 8386 صفحة
الحجم الإجمالي 147 ميجا
تاريخ الإضافة 13 / 12 / 2006
لتحميل الكتاب
مجلد 1
مجلد 2
مجلد 3
مجلد 4
مجلد 5
مجلد 6
مجلد 7
مجلد 8
مجلد 9
مجلد 10
مجلد 11
مجلد 12
Monday, April 12, 2010
KABUL, Afghanistan –Allegations that NATO-led soldiers desecrated a Quran in a weekend operation against the Taliban spurred an angry protest Tuesday in southwest Afghanistan, authorities said.
The protests, which turned violent, occurred in the Garmsir district of Helmand province, according to a statement by NATO's International Security Assistance Force.
During the protests, an insurgent sniper shot an Afghan official, the statement said, and ISAF service members then shot and killed the sniper. Armed protesters also attacked a National Security Department office and demanded the release of prisoners, Helmand province spokesman Dawood Ahmadi told CNN. They also torched a school, he said.
ISAF denied that its troops had any part in destroying a Quran. "While denying these allegations, we take them very seriously and support a combined investigation with local Afghan authorities," said Major Gen. Michael Regner, deputy chief of staff for operations for ISAF Joint Command.
"ISAF is an international force that includes Muslim soldiers, and we deplore such an action under any circumstances."
In addition to the allegation of desecrating a Quran, Ahmadi said, other reports accuse security force soldiers of violating a woman, and yet others say the soldiers destroyed a mosque. The governor has launched an investigation, he said.
The desecration allegation stems from an operation against the Taliban that ISAF conducted Sunday, the security force's statement said.
"Afghan forces conducted the operation, supported by coalition forces. No shots were fired, no property was damaged and no one was detained," the statement said.
The demonstration was among several incidents of violence in Afghanistan reported by officials.
Four policemen were killed in the Gereshk district of Helmand province Monday night by guests they invited into their post, Ahmadi said. Their weapons also were stolen, Ahmadi said. Delaram district Mayor Abdullah Jan was killed Monday afternoon after he earlier survived two attempts on his life, Nimroz province Police Chief Abdul Jabbar said. The assailant is unknown, police said. And a 25-year-old police officer was killed Monday night when a suicide bomber wearing an explosives-laden vest detonated the bomb while trying to enter Uruzgan province police headquarters, authorities said.
–Journalist Mati Matiullah contributed to this report.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
ترجمة الحافظ السيوطي الأشعري رحمه الله | ![]() | ![]() | ![]() |
دراسات اسلامية - ردود على أباطيل |
ترجمة الحافظ السيوطي الأشعري رحمه الله ترجم السيوطي لنفسه في كتابه "حسن المحاضرة" فقال: وإنما ذكرت ترجمتي في هذا الكتاب اقتداء بالمحدثين قبلي، فقلّ أن ألف أحد منهم تاريخا إلا وذكر ترجمته فيه. وممن وقع له ذلك الإمام عبد الغفار الفارسي في "تاريخ نيسابور"، وياقوت الحموي في "معجم الأدباء"، ولسان الدين بن الخطيب في "تاريخ غرناطة"، والحافظ تقي الدين الفاسي في "تاريخ مكة"، والحافظ أبو الفضل بن حجر في "قضاة مصر"، وأبو شامة في الروضتين وهو أورعهم وأزهدهم. اسمه ونسبه: هو عبد الرحمن بن الكمال أبي بكر بن محمد بن سابق الدين بن الفخر عثمان بن ناظر الدين محمد بن سيف الدين خضر بن نجم الدين أبي الصلاح أيوب بن ناصر الدين محمد ابن الشيخ همام الدين الخضيري الأسيوطي. مولده ونشأته: قال السيوطي: "وكان مولدي بعد المغرب ليلة الأحد مستهل رجب سنة تسع وأربعين وثمانمائة، وحملت في حياة أبي إلى الشيخ محمد المجذوب، رجل كان من كبار الأولياء بجوار المشهد النفيسي فبارك عليّ". ويقول العيدروس: "وأحضره والده وعمره ثلاث سنين مجلس شيخ الإسلام ابن حجر مرة واحدة، وحضر وهو صغير مجلس المحدث زين الدين رضوان العتبي، ودرس الشيخ سراج الدين عمر الوردي، ثم اشتغل بالعلم على عدة مشايخ". وقال السيوطي: "ونشأت يتيمًا فحفظت القرءان ولي دون ثماني سنين، ثم حفظت العمدة ومنهاج الفقه، والأصول، وألفية ابن مالك". وقال العيدروس: "وتوفي والده ليلة الاثنين خامس صفر سنة خمس وخمسين وثمانمائة، وجعل الشيخ كمال الدين بن الهمام وصيّا عليه فلحظه بنظره ورعايته". رحلاته: قال السيوطي: "وسافرت بحمد الله تعالى إلى بلاد الشام والحجاز واليمن والهند والمغرب والتكرور". وله رحلة داخل مصر أيضًا ذكرها السخاوي في الضوء اللامع فقال: "ثم سافر إلى الفيوم ودمياط والمحلة فكتب عن جماعة". ثم قال السيوطي: "ولما حججت شربت من ماء زمزم لأمور منها أن أصل في الفقه إلى رتبة الشيخ سراج الدين البلقيني وفي الحديث رتبة الحافظ ابن حجر". شيوخه: أكثر السيوطي عن الأخذ من الشيوخ وقد جمع أسماءهم في معجم فقال في ذلك: "وأما مشايخي في الرواية سماعًا وإجازة فكثير، أوردتهم في المعجم الذي جمعتهم فيه وعدّتهم نحو مائة وخمسين، ولم أكثر سماع الرواية لاشتغالي بما هو أهم وهو قراءة الدراية". ثم قال: "وشرعت في الاشتغال بالعلم من مستهل سنة أربع وستين، فأخذت الفقه والنحو عن جماعة من الشيوخ، وأخذت الفرائض عن العلامة فرضي زمانه الشيخ شهاب الدين الشارمساحي الذي كان يقال: إنه بلغ السن العالية وجاوز المائة بكثير والله أعلم بذلك، قرأت عليه في شرحه على المجموع. وأجزت بتدريس العربية في مستهل سنة ست وستين، وألّفت في هذه السنة فكان أول شىء ألفته شرح الاستعاذة والبسملة وأوقفت عليه شيخنا شيخ الإسلام علم الدين البلقيني فكتب عليه تقريظًا، ولازمته في الفقه إلى أن مات فلازمت والده فقرأت عليه من أول التدريب لوالده إلى الوكالة، وسمعت عليه من أول الحاوي الصغير إلى العِدد، ومن أول المنهاج إلى الزكاة، ومن أول التنبيه إلى قريب من باب الزكاة، وقطعة من الروضة من باب القضاء، وقطعة من تكملة شرح المنهاج للزركشي ومن إحياء الموات إلى الوصايا أو نحوها، وأجازني بالتدريس والإفتاء من سنة ست وسبعين وحضر تصديري. فلما توفي سنة ثمان وسبعين لزمت شيخ الإسلام شرف الدين المناوي، فقرأت عليه قطعة من المنهاج وسمعته عليه في التقسيم إلا مجالس فاتتني، وسمعت دروسًا من شرح البهجة ومن حاشية عليها، ومن تفسير البيضاوي. ولزمت في الحديث والعربية شيخنا الإمام العلامة تقي الدين الشبلي الحنفي فواظبته أربع سنين، وكتب لي تقريظًا على شرح ألفية ابن مالك وعلى جمع الجوامع في العربية تأليفي، وشهد لي غير مرة بالتقدم في العلوم بلسانه وبنانه، ورجع إلى قولي مجردًا في حديث فإنه أورد في حاشيته على الشفاء حديث أبي الحمراء في الإسراء وعزاه إلى تخريج ابن ماجه، فاحتجت إلى إيراده بسنده فكشفت ابن ماجه في مظنته فلم أجده، فمررت على الكتاب كله فلم أجده فاتهمت نظري، فمررت ثانية فلم أجده فعدت ثالثة فلم أجده، ورأيته في معجم الصحابة لابن قانع، فجئت إلى الشيخ وأخبرته فبمجرد ما سمع مني ذلك أخذ نسخته وأخذ القلم فضرب على لفظ ابن ماجه وألحق ابن قانع في الحاشية، فأعظمت ذلك وهبته لِعِظَم الشيخ في قلبي واحتقاري في نفسي فقلت: ألا تصبرون لعلكم تراجعون؟ فقال: لا، إنما قلدت في قولي: "ابن ماجه" البرهان الحلبي، ولم أنفك عن الشيخ إلى أن مات. ولزمت شيخنا العلامة محيي الدين الكافيجي أربع عشرة سنة، فأخذت عنه الفنون من التفسير والأصول والعربية والمعاني وغير ذلك، وكتب لي إجازة عظيمة، وحضرت عند الشيخ سيف الدين الحنفي دروسًا عديدة في الكشّاف والتوضيح وحاشيته عليه، وتلخيص المفتاح والعضد. وشرعت في التصنيف في سنة ست وستين، وبلغت مؤلفاتي إلى الآن - أي قبل وفاته باثني عشرة سنة تقريبًا - ثلاثمائة كتاب سوى ماغسلته ورجعت عنه". ثم قال: "ورزقت التبحر في سبعة علوم: التفسير والحديث والفقه والنحو والمعاني والبيان على طريقة العرب البلغاء لا على طريقة العجم وأهل الفلسفة، ودون هذه السبعة في المعرفة: أصول الفقه والجدل والتصريف، ودونها الإنشاء والترسّل والفرائض، ودونها القراءات ولم ءاخذها عن شيخ، ودونها الطب. وأما علم الحساب فهو أعسر شىء علي وأبعده عن ذهني، وإذا نظرت في مسألة تتعلق به فكأنما أحاول جبلا أحمله، وقد كنت في مبادىء الطلب قرأت في علم المنطق ثم ألقى الله كراهته في قلبي، وسمعت أن ابن الصلاح أفتى بتحريمه فتركته لذلك، فعوضني الله عنه علم الحديث. والذي أعتقده أن الذي وصلت إليه من هذه العلوم السبعة سوى الفقه والنقول التي اطلعت عليها فيها لم يصل إليه ولا وقف عليه أحد من أشياخي فضلا عمن هو دونهم، وأما الفقه فلا أقول ذلك فيه بل شيخي فيه أوسع نظرًا وأطول باعًا". خلاقه وثناء العلماء عليه: يقول نجم الدين الغزي: "ولما بلغ أربعين سنة من عمره أخذ في التجرد للعبادة والانقطاع إلى الله تعالى والاشتغال به صرفًا، والإعراض عن الدنيا وأهلها كأنه لم يعرف أحدا منهم. وشرع في تحرير مؤلفاته، وترك الإفتاء والتدريس واعتذر عن ذلك في مؤلف ألفه وسماه بالنفيس، وأقام في روضة المقياس فلم يتحول عنها إلى أن مات لم يفتح طاقات بيته التي على النيل من سكناه". مؤلفاته: يقول ابن العماد: "وقد اشتهرت أكثر مصنفاته في حياته في أقطار الأرض شرقًا وغربًا، وكان ءاية كبرى في سرعة التأليف حتى قال تلميذه الداودي: عاينت الشيخ وقد كتب في يوم واحد ثلاثة كراريس تأليفًا وتحريرًا، وكان يملي مع ذلك الحديث ويجيب عن المتعارض منه بأجوبة حسنة، وكان أعلم أهل زمانه بعلم الحديث وفنونه رجالا وغريبًا ومتنًا وسندًا واستنباطًا للأحكام منه، وأخبر عن نفسه أنه يحفظ مائتي ألف حديث قال: ولو وجدت أكثر لحفظته، قال: ولعله لا يوجد على وجه الأرض الآن أكثر من ذلك" اهـ. وهذه قائمة بأسماء بعض مؤلفاته مأخوذة من كتابه حسن المحاضرة: 1 - فن التفسير وتعلقاته والقراءات: 1 - الإتقان في علوم القرءان. 2 - الدر المنثور في التفسير المأثور. 3 - ترجمان القرءان في التفسير المسند. 4 - قطف الأزهار في كشف الأسرار. 5 - لباب النقول في أسباب النزول. 6 - مفحمات الأقران في مبهمات القرءان. 7 - المهذب فيما وقع في القرءان من المعرّب. 8 - الإكليل في استنباط التنزيل. 9 - تكملة تفسير الشيخ جلال الدين المحلي. 010- التحبير في علوم التفسير. 2 - فن الحديث وتعلقاته: 11 - كشف المغطى في شرح الموطا. 12 - إسعاف المبطا برجال الموطا. 13 - التوشيح على الجامع الصحيح. 14 - الديباج على صحيح مسلم بن الحجاج. 15 - مرقاة الصعود إلى سنن أبي داود. 16 - شرح سنن ابن ماجه. 17 - تدريب الراوي في شرح تقريب النووي. 18 - قطر الدرر شرح نظم الدرر في علم الأثر. 19 - التهذيب في الزوائد على التقريب. 20 - عين الإصابة في معرفة الصحابة. 21 - كشف التلبيس عن قلب أهل التدليس. 22 - توضيح المدرك في تصحيح المستدرك. 23 - اللآلئ المصنوعة في الأحاديث الموضوعة. 24 - النكت البديعات على الموضوعات. 25 - الذيل على القول المسدد. 26 - القول الحسن في الذب عن السنن. 27 - لب الألباب في تحرير الأنساب. 28 - تقريب الغريب. 29 - المدرج إلى المدرج. 30 - تذكرة المؤتسي بمن حدّث ونسي. 31 - تحفة النابه بتلخيص المتشابه. 32 - الروض المكلل والورد المعلل في المصطلح. 33 - منتهى الآمال في شرح حديث إنما الأعمال. 34 - المعجزات والخصائص النبوية. 35 - شرح الصدور بشرح حال الموتى والقبور. 3 - فن الفقه وتعلقاته: 36 - الأزهار الغضة في حواشي الروضة. 37 - الحواشي الصغرى. 38 - مختصر الروضة ويسمى القنية. 39 - مختصر التنبيه ويسمى الوافي. 40 - شرح التنبيه. 41 - الأشباه والنظائر. 42 - اللوامع والبوارق في الجوامع والفوارق. 43 - نظم الروضة ويسمى الخلاصة. 44 - شرحه ويسمى رفع الخصاصة. 4 - الأجزاء المفردة في مسائل مخصوصة على ترتيب الأبواب: 45 - الذفر بقلم الذفر. 46 - المستطرفة في أحكام دخول الحشفة. 47 - السلالة في تحقيق المقر والاستحالة. 48 - الروض الأريض في طهر المحيض. 49 - بذل العسجد لسؤّال المسجد. 50 - الجواب الحزم عن حديث التكبير جزم. 51 - القذاذة في تحقيق محل الاستعاذة. 52 - ميزان المعدلة في شأن البسملة. 53 - جزء في صلاة الضحى. 54 - المصابيح في صلاة التراويح. 55 - بسط الكف في إتمام الصف. 56 - اللمعة في تحقيق الركعة لإدراك الجمعة. 5 - فن العربية وتعلقاته: 57 - البهجة المرضية في شرح الألفية. 58 - الفريدة في النحو والتصريف والخط. 59 - النكت على الألفية والكافية والشافية والشذور والنزهة. 60 - الفتح القريب على مغني اللبيب. 61 - شرح شواهد المغني. 62 - جمع الجوامع. 63 - همع الهوامع على جمع الجوامع. 64 - شرح الملحة. 65 - مختصر الملحة. 66 - مختصر الألفية ودقائقها. 67 - الأخبار المروية في سبب وضع العربية. 68 - المصاعد العلية في القواعد النحوية. 69 - الاقتراح في أصول النحو وجدله. 6 - فن الأصول والبيان والتصوف: 70 - شرح لمعة الإشراق في الاشتقاق. 71 - الكوكب الساطع في نظم جمع الجوامع. 72 - شرحه. 73 - شرح الكوكب الوقاد في الاعتقاد. 74 - نكت على التلخيص ويسمى الإفصاح. 75 - عقود الجمان في المعاني والبيان. 76 - شرحه. 77 - شرح أبيات تلخيص المفتاح. 78 - مختصره. 79 - نكت على حاشية المطول. 80 - حاشية على المختصر. 81 - البديعية. 82 - شرحها. مرضه ووفاته: يقول نجم الدين الغزي: "وكانت وفاته رضي الله عنه في سحر ليلة الجمعة تاسع جمادى الأولى سنة إحدى عشرة وتسعمائة في منزله بروضة المقياس بعد أن مرض سبعة أيام بورم شديد في ذراعه الأيسر، وقد استكمل من العمر إحدى وستين سنة وعشرة أشهر وثمانية عشر يومًا وكان له مشهد عظيم، ودفن في حوش قوصون خارج باب القرافة، وصلي عليه غائبة بدمشق بالجامع الأموي يوم الجمعة ثامن رجب سنة إحدى عشرة المذكورة، قيل أخذ الغاسل قميصه وقبعه فاشترى بعض الناس قميصه من الغاسل بخمسة دنانير للتبرك به، وباع قبعه بثلاثة دنانير لذلك أيضًا". وصف النسخة الخطية: هذه النسخة الخطية ضمن مجموعة محفوظة في مكتبة الدولة - برلين - تحت رقم/2241 . أوراقها: (65- 78) ق. مسطرتها: 19 سطرًا. مقياسها: 14 x 7 سم. كتبت بخط صغير ومتقارب سنة 1135 هـ بقلم علي بن محمد بن حافظ بن علي الشرواني الدغستاني في القسطنطينية في أواخر شهر المحرم من السنة المذكورة. منهج التحقيق: أولا: خرَّجت الآيات القرءانية. ثانيًا: خرَّجت الأحاديث الواردة في النص والتزمت في التخريج ما عزاه المصنف من الأحاديث لمخرجيها فقط من غير توسع في التخريج. ثالثًا: وضعت أرقامًا تسلسلية للأحاديث الواردة في هذا الكتاب |
Dr Mariah turut buat laporan polis isu APCO
Harakahdaily |
KLANG, 11 April: Ahli Parlimen Kota Raja, Dr Siti Mariah Mahmud mengetuai rombongan Sekretariat Parlimen Kota Raja serta Dewan Pemuda PAS Kota Raja telah membuat laporan di Ibu Pejabat Polis daerah di sini, semalam berhubung APCO Worldwide Sdn Bhd.
Ini berkaitan satu perjanjian di antara Kerajaan Malaysia dan APCO Worldwide Sdn Bhd yang beralamat di Level 21 - Suite 21.01, The Garden South Tower, Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra, 59200 Kuala Lumpur bagi satu perjanjian perkhidmatan iaitu "to provide services public relation, daily management and government relation outreach for government in United States". Dokumen perjanjian tersebut telah dimeterai pada 24 Ogos 2009 di mana salinan letter of acceptance yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Perdana Menteri bertarikh 15 Julai 2009 juga dilampirkan oleh Dr Mariah. Jumaat lepas, Ahli Parlimen Titiwangsa, Dr Lo' Lo' Mohd Ghazali juga membuat laporan berhubung perkara yang sama di Balai Polis Dang Wangi, Kuala Lumpur. |
Friday, April 9, 2010
APCO di Malaysia
( 28/10/2009 )
Lawatan APCO Worldwide dari United Kingdom pada 23 Oktober 2009 yang lalu ke KDN adalah siri kedua dari 4 siri pertemuan mereka dengan Unit Komunikasi Korporat. APCO Worldwide Pertemuan ini diisi dengan pembentangan tips-tips kaedah media. Lawatan ini adalah kesinambungan dari program 'Supporting The Goverment Of Malaysia: Building Intergrated Goverment Communication' anjuran JPM bertujuan meningkatkan lagi hubungan dua hala di antara media dan agensi-agensi Kerajaan. Pertemuan ini membolehkan kedua belah pihak saling berbalas tanya.
Encik Mike Granatt yang menjadi jurucakap kepada 3 rakannya yang lain bertanya strategi dan kaedah komunikasi yang dilaksanakan oleh Unit Komunikasi Korporat KDN. Team APCO itu melahirkan rasa kagum di atas tindakan kehadapan Unit Komunikasi KDN yang telah lama mengadakan pertemuan bersama editor-editor kanan media perdana dan mesyuarat pengurusan komunikasi peringkat kementerian. APCO juga kagum kerana penglibatan pengurusan atasan dalam kedua-dua aktiviti ini. Kedua-dua mesyuarat ini yang diadakan secara bulanan dipengerusikan oleh Dato Sri' Mahmood b. Adam. KSU KDN. Berkenaan dengan portal berita ikdn pula, APCO memaklumkan inilah kali pertama dalam lawatan pertama mereka ke lapan kementerian setakat ini, KDN yang paling menonjol dari siap siaga berurusan dengan hal ehwal media.
Portal berita ikdn dilihat sebagai kefahaman KDN menangani dan berurusan dengan media baru. Bagaimanapun APCO melihat KDN perlu juga memberi perhatian kepada pertemuan dengan wakil-wakil berita luar negara yang membuka pejabat mereka di Malaysia. Sungguhpun Puan Jamilah Taib, Ketua Komunikasi Korporat KDN memaklumkan bahawa perancangan itu berada dalam fasa kedua aktiviti Unit memandangkan kekurangan pegawai berkelayakan, Encik Mike berpendapat waktu itu tidak boleh dilengahkan lagi kerana media barat selalu membuat andaian sendiri bila mereka gagal mendapat sumber berita yang dimahukan.
Sumber dari :
Gad Ben-Ari : Yahudi yang menaja Zionis
| Gad Ben-AriGad Ben-Ari, managing director of APCO Worldwide’s office in Israel, has held a variety of consulting and executive positions in Israel and other countries. Prior to joining APCO, Mr. Ben Ari was the director general of Keren-Hayesod-United Israel Appeal - Israels largest and oldest fundraising organization, operating in 45 countries around the world - a position he held for five years. From 1974-1982, Mr. Ben-Ari served as a radio and television anchor and broadcaster specializing in current affairs, news broadcasts and news magazine programs. He was the spokesperson and senior advisor of the Minister of Immigration, Yaakov Tzur; the head of the public relations division of the Jewish-Agency and the chairman of the North America Jewish-Agency in New York. From 1992-1994, Mr. Ben-Ari was the media advisor and spokesperson of Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin; responsible for the government press office, formulating the media strategies for the prime minister and the government, taking part in discussions on the peace process with White House and State Department teams, top Palestinian leadership and European and Egyptian heads of states and government representatives. In 1998 and 1999, Mr. Ben-Ari was a member of the senior management of Koor Industries Ltd., one of Israel’s largest holding companies, responsible for Middle East business operations. He speaks fluent Hebrew and English, and is proficient in Arabic |
APCO dan Malaysia
Hazayani Zakaria | |
KUALA LUMPUR, 9 April: Ahli Parlimen Titiwangsa, Dr Lo’ Lo’ Mohd Ghazali membuat laporan Polis di Balai Dang Wangi di sini, mengenai pembabitan Kerajaan Malaysia dengan APCO Worldwide.
APCO adalah syarikat Yahudi
Tel Aviv
Israel is a technologically advanced market economy with a highly skilled and well-educated workforce.
A recognized leader in technology industries, Israel's investment in research and development is higher than any other single Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (OECD) member country.
Contact Us:
- Gad Ben-Ari
- managing director
Tel Aviv - +972.3.766.2600
- Bet Zamir
- 22a Raoul Wallenberg Street
- Ramat Hahayal 69719
- Israel
APCO Worldwide in Tel Aviv helps clients navigate the complex international business and regulation arena in Israel. We also assist multinational companies in understanding Israel’s unique political and business climate, which operates in a dynamic setting facing constant changes and challenges.
Our team offers clients a comprehensive range of services. Our understanding of the local market as well as our global expertise gives clients an essential advantage in achieving their business objectives.
Key services include:
- market entry:
With offices in the world’s business and political hubs, APCO in Tel Aviv helps Israel’s fast-growing companies ensure a smooth launch into new markets. This includes a thorough assessment of the regulatory framework, potential market and partnership opportunities, as well as advising on an appropriate investment structure. - corporate responsibility:
The Tel Aviv office is recognized as one of Israel’s leading corporate responsibility firms and assists clients in developing environmental, social and governance programs. - issues management:
Leveraging Israel’s time zone and multi-language capabilities, we provide APCO’s clients across the globe with media monitoring, back-desk market research and issue analysis services. - Jewish community networking:
APCO’s Tel Aviv office helps clients navigate the Jewish world. Our staff has extensive experience and close ties to major Jewish and Israeli organizations with a global presence. We offer a comprehensive understanding of Jewish public affairs and help clients make the right contacts and convey their messages creatively and efficiently to Jewish audiences and communities worldwide.